Use of RPA for Portfolio Optimization
We’ve worked alongside Innovativa in several projects that entails automation in its largest extension from RPA to IOCR, applying a mixed delivery model, with some of our consultant’s temporarily relocated for training purposes whilst keeping our delivery center 100% in Argentina, using UiPath & Ephesoft.
One of the projects was Belcorp where we developed an RPA process in which the company analysts could decide the actions to take with products belonging to their portfolio (discontinue, treat, or monetize).
In the first place we work on process analysis helping the client to understand how to look at it for the conception of the solution.
Using an email box and a duly configured excel spreadsheet (formulas and formats), we produce an output file sent to the user in which decisions are made and it is forwarded until each area resolves the actions to be taken.
In subsequent executions, the process takes this document and notifies that there are still decisions to be made until all areas complete their analysis (human in the loop concept).
The process ends up speeding up the information analysis, breaking it down for each area.